BYIS offers standard and custom design components for every piece of high temperature heat transfer systems, and not only the components for a new system, but we are available for plant modernization, increase in capacity, and state of the art emission control systems as well as efficiency improvements.
BYIS Ancillary Systems that can be supplied are:
Thermal Fluid Pumping and Piping Systems
Combustion Air Preheaters
Waste Heat Recovery Boilers
Expansion Tanks and Separators
Control Panels
Air Cooled Exchangers
Prepiped and Wired fuel Systems
Since the heaters come in all sizes, from skid-mounted units to field-erected models, BYIS tries to modularize the equipment to minimize the field erection time and costs.
BYIS also offers export packaging service. Our extensive experience in overseas export can assure you that your valuable products are packaged securely to arrive at its destination undamaged and on-time.